
Frequently Asked Questions

What is FEU?
Functional Encoding Unit (FEU) analysis offers an unbiased way to characterize groups of neurons (or any other populaiton), revealing new insights into population encoding that single-unit or whole-population analyses cannot. Each FEU ensemble acts as a functional module, which can be widely distributed and variable. This variability allows for the representation of constantly changing external and internal stimuli that influence cognitive states and behavior.

What is the expected input of the pipeline?
The following file types are supported, text (.txt), CSV (.csv), PyTorch (.p), Excel (.xlsx), pickle (.p, .pickle), NumPy (.np) The data processed by the pipeline is two-dimensional time series data, where the first dimension represents the variables to be clustered, and the second dimension represents the corresponding time series data/timepoints. For example, consider electrophysiological data recorded from 25 neurons over a duration of 1000 seconds. Assuming that one measurement is recorded every second, the data will have a shape of (25, 1000). Each row corresponds to a different neuron, and each column represents sequential time points.

How long does it take to complete a job?
For a job with 1,500 iterations, it may take up to 24 hours to receive get your results. We are working on obtaining a GPU server to reduce this to approximately 2 hours

What is the expected output of the pipeline?
The output of the job is a CSV file with cluster assignments, a CSV file with cluster parameters (jump, phasicity), a CSV file with cluster assignments for each iterations, a TSV file with cluster parameters for each iteration, a heatmap (png) showing the cluster assignments and a scatter plot (png) showing the clusters in the FEU Space